www.Cardholder.comdata.com – ComData Card Login

www.Cardholder.comdata.com – Are you a Comdata cardholder then this article is definitely for your interest. Comdata provides its customers to manage their cards themselves using several methods.


www.Cardholder.comdata.com – ComData Card Login

You can now check your balance, deposit funds, and perform many other transactions either through the portal or through the mobile app.

If you think you are unaware of these methods then worry not you are on the right page.

In this article, we will help you have knowledge of maintaining your account online and keeping track of all your transactions on hand.

So if you want to know how to activate and register your account then do read this article till the end.

Registration for managing the account

If you want to manage your card accounts on your own you will first have to register your card. There are two options either you can manage your accounts through the.

The web portal or through the Fleet Advance mobile application. Let’s see the process for registration for both the way in detail.

Register at Comdata Cardholder Web

  • Visit the official portal: www.cardholder.comdata.com
  • If you are a new user then you will need to create a profile which is not a big deal though. You just have to enter your card number and activation ID(employee ID)
  • Once you have entered the details now you will have to enter some personal details like username, address, password.
  • Next, you have to answer a security question. This will be helpful in case you forgot your detail.
  • If you are done with the above details and are sure about it then click on Submit button.
  • Congratulations! Now you are a web registered cardholder.

You can now avail yourself of the online services, check your account statements, and many more. This was easy, wasn’t it? Now let’s move forward with Mobile application registration.

Fleet Advance Mobile Application Registration.

  • For this process, you will firstly need to download the Fleet Advance mobile application.
  • Open the application and then add your Comdata card which is to be set up for express cash.
  • Now click on the Express cash link and you will be redirected for sign up.
  • Now using your Email ID and password to sign up
  • On the next page that appears again add your Username and Password and click on the login button.
  • Now add your activation code (employee code) and click on submit button.
  • Congratulations! You are now registered for set up cash features.

Along with managing your accounts, you can also pay bills, get account statements, and also you can deposit cash in different ways. Let’s have a look at these methods.

Direct Deposit Methods

There are two direct deposit methods 1. Manual Deposit and 2. Automatic deposit. You can manage one account by following both the deposit methods.

Your account must undergo the pre-note period procedures first for direct deposit. To make sure that the data you provided to your bank is accurate then is a pre-note period of ten working days.

You can only obtain funds from your payroll in this pre-note period. So once your pre-note period is done you are good to go. So let’s have a look at the direct deposit methods.

Setup for Manual deposit

  • First login to your account using your User Id and password.
  • On your interface click on the Direct deposit button
  • Now enter the amount you wish to keep on your Comdata account.
  • Now click on Add Manual Deposit Account option on the screen.
  • Then choose the account type which is under the Banking Information option
  • Enter your Activation Code, Account Number, and Confirm account number.
  • Once done and sure about entering the information click on submit button.

Setup for Automatic deposit

  • First login to your account using your User Id and password.
  • On your interface click on the Direct deposit button
  • Now enter the amount you wish to keep on your Comdata account.
  • Now click on Add New Automatic Deposit Account option on the screen.
  • Then choose the account type which is under the Banking Information option
  • Enter your Activation Code, Account Number, and Confirm account number.
  • Under the Election Per Load, section select the type you want either Fixed amount or Percentage if you wish to place your full amount then in the percentage section shows 100%.
    Once done and sure about entered information click on submit button.

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This was all about your Comdata Cards maintenance online and through the app. We tried our best to give you all the possible information for your card account maintenance on hand. We hope this was useful.

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